Transit time is just FYI, the actual transit time depend on the practical situation.
In accordance with the decision of the XXV plenary meeting of the International Association “Coordination Council for Transsiberian Transportation“ (CCTT) and at the invitation of the president and chairman of the board of China Railway Corporation of Container Transportation (CRCT Ltd.), Mr. Wu Youtian, there will be held XXVI CCTT plenary meeting on September 20-21, 2017.
The meeting will be attended by more than 150 delegates from 18 countries: heads and plenipotentiary representatives of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Railways and Ports of CIS, Baltic, Europe and Asia, international transport organizations
The meeting will address matters related to the operation of the Transsib transport corridor, and discuss the prospects of further harmonization of legal regulation for international freight transport and feasible measures to improve the efficiency of container transport between Europe, the Baltic States, Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region using the Trans-Siberian Mainline amid global competition.
Heads of CCTT members and leading forwarding and operator companies will present the results of their work on intermodal transport services on the Trans-Siberian Route and share information on the development trends of integrated Euro-Asian logistic chains as well as prospects for integrated logistics development.
A wide range of highly competent experts will allow a thorough analysis of the key issues of Trans-Siberian freight transport, including those related to rail and sea transport interaction, integration of the Transsib into the Euro-Asian transport network and development of Trans-Siberian services in the present economic situation.
The decisions that will be taken at the XXV CCTT Plenary Meeting will provide the basis for further improvement of Trans-Siberian transport services and TSR development.
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