Transit time is just FYI, the actual transit time depend on the practical situation
Route Chengdu - Moscow public train will depart on July 18th
Route Xiamen - Hamburg public train will depart on July 8th
As a logical coherence of previous five triumphal
Loaded with 68 TEU containers the CR Express X8024/X8065 (Yiwu-London) departed from Yiwu West station steering for London Britain for the first time. The arrival destination cities of CR Express will be one more newly increased.
Through the national customs integration reform, eliminating the customs clearance restrictions, customs enforcement more uniform, greatly improve the efficiency, simplifying the procedures for customs clearance links, port customs clearance time reduced.
Since January 2017 implementation of the "entry-exit inspection and quarantine institutions to implement inspection and quarantine of the import and export of goods catalog" related adjustments.
Announcement No. 82 (Promulgated by the General Administration of Customs of the People s Republic of China on 2016) (Announcement on Further Regulating the Relevant Matters Concerning the Direct Return Business of Imported Goods)
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